Sunday, July 11, 2010

£ 50.00 for best comment

Let's talk student business!

Quick update from founder: I now work for a Public Limited Company in the United Kingdom. My degree has truly been put to the test, along with my marketing understanding. A degree/diploma offers a good foundation but a lot more needs to be built in order to achieve what is written on that degree/diploma - this comes through practical situations in the business environment and could be fast-forwarded in business orientated student organisations at uni. I continue to learn a lot, now it is time like always to give back.

So let's talk student business!
I will reward the student with the best comment with £ 50.00 which I think should be around R 560,00.

Here is the question: What do you think it takes for a student to become a business leader?


Anonymous said...

It is said that in today’s world a man is not judge on what he plan to do but rather on what he has already achieved.

Convert yourself into a leader with these five keys of leadership

1. A leader plans.
The core of leadership is being proactive rather than reactive. Leadership involves identifying potential problems and solving them before they reach crisis proportions. Good leaders analyse and plan and adapt their plans to new circumstances and opportunities.

2. A leader has a vision.
Vision is essential to good leadership. Vision provides direction and without direction, there’s not much point to all that planning. So if you don’t have one already, take your first step towards leadership by creating a Vision Statement for your business or life in general. Because it embodies your dreams and your passions, a vision statement will also serve as a leadership vision.

3. A leader shares their vision.
Sharing your leadership vision helps your visions grow and your leadership develop. As you tell your leadership vision to others, you will strengthen your own belief in your vision and strengthen your determination to make your leadership vision become reality. And other people will start to see you as a person who’s “going places”. Your leadership skills will grow as you and other people recognise you as a person with leadership potential.

4. A leader takes charge.
At this stage of leadership, you put together your planning and your leadership vision and take action. Whether it’s implementing a specific plan to improve your business’s bottom line or responding to a crisis, you as the leader are the one who makes the decisions and sees that the appropriate actions are carried out. You can’t just “talk a good game” to be a leader, you need to act and to be seen as taking effective action.

5. A leader inspires through example.
If I asked you, you could easily name three people whose leadership qualities inspire you. If I asked you why, you’d tell me about the things these inspiring people did or are doing. Leadership is defined through action. Therefore, in developing your own leadership skills, you have to act in ways that are fitting to your leadership vision. We can all name many actions of other people whom we admire, but what inspires us is the integrity that gives these actions meaning.
Becoming a leader isn’t easy because it takes a conscious commitment and consistent effort to develop one’s leadership skills. But on the positive side, anyone who is willing to make the effort can become a good leader.
And as good leadership is critical to business success, your efforts to improve your leadership skills will be amply rewarded. By working on these five keys of leadership, you can become the leader your small business needs.

Ashley Young

Anonymous said...

Hi Shaun Pritchard

What you said about the degree being the foundation is sound! I believe that a degree lays down the foundation but a foundation needs walls, roof, to be furnished, etc to be completed. Too many business students think they can just walk into a good career one day because of their degree. NOT THE CASE!

Be a business leader at uni so that when you leave you already have a 'house' not just the foundation.

I believe one should follow seven steps:

1 Be ready to handle the challenges of a business

2 Plan your idea on paper and be ready to explain it to others

3 Make good use of all the resources available to you while at uni - there is a huge amount of knowldege resources and many gateways for business initiative at uni.

4 Build your product to be as complete as possible before seeking financial assistance

5 Maintain a professional communication channel - the reality is Shaun and I am sure you know it that many professionals out there have worked there way up the ladder and it can be challenging to convince them that you have something of value to offer them. Building a business is hard work to make it sustainably viable.

6 Monitor progress and keep track of tasks - the best thing is to purchase customer relationship software, yes it might cost quite a bit but it is so worth it for the long term. Also set out a Critical Path Analysis for each project you do. And this is not just the diary - CPA should be discussed and done at uni. Ask your lecturer (those reading that are still at uni) to show you this if one does not know what I am refering to.

7 Be prepared to fail - mate you are going to get somethings wrong and success comes with it failures. Just got to learn from every mistake so that you do not repeat them again

James Bell

Anonymous said...

Hi Shaun!

Thanks so much for the 50 pounds!!! I am glad you liked my comment!

I now have your email and hope we can connect further and perhaps brainstorm some business opportunities...

Thanks again!

James Bell