Saturday, July 24, 2010

FREE Marketing Advice!

I want to start something that is quite opposite to normal business practice and thoughts... Something that will be of great benefit to particularly young entrepreneurs and businesses that are in their early stages of development - FOR FREE!

What if I took profit out of the equation for giving marketing advice? The result will be free marketing advice.

Why would I do such a thing?

1. To allow for practical involvement by myself and university students for further experience.
2. To assist and embrace the importance of entrepreneurship.
3. To see how many people across the world will participate.
4. To see how many people I and university students can assist.
5. To see the effect our advice will have on the various respondents businesses.
6. To gain publicity for this blog spot and for those that assist.

So feel free to leave any questions, situations or help you may need regarding marketing. We will try answer every comment.

Shaun Pritchard

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