Saturday, July 24, 2010

FREE Marketing Advice!

I want to start something that is quite opposite to normal business practice and thoughts... Something that will be of great benefit to particularly young entrepreneurs and businesses that are in their early stages of development - FOR FREE!

What if I took profit out of the equation for giving marketing advice? The result will be free marketing advice.

Why would I do such a thing?

1. To allow for practical involvement by myself and university students for further experience.
2. To assist and embrace the importance of entrepreneurship.
3. To see how many people across the world will participate.
4. To see how many people I and university students can assist.
5. To see the effect our advice will have on the various respondents businesses.
6. To gain publicity for this blog spot and for those that assist.

So feel free to leave any questions, situations or help you may need regarding marketing. We will try answer every comment.

Shaun Pritchard

Sunday, July 11, 2010

£ 50.00 for best comment

Let's talk student business!

Quick update from founder: I now work for a Public Limited Company in the United Kingdom. My degree has truly been put to the test, along with my marketing understanding. A degree/diploma offers a good foundation but a lot more needs to be built in order to achieve what is written on that degree/diploma - this comes through practical situations in the business environment and could be fast-forwarded in business orientated student organisations at uni. I continue to learn a lot, now it is time like always to give back.

So let's talk student business!
I will reward the student with the best comment with £ 50.00 which I think should be around R 560,00.

Here is the question: What do you think it takes for a student to become a business leader?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Interested In being an Entrepreneur?

Dear potential entreprenuer,

I write to you as the founder of BLS. I am currently living in Bath in the United Kingdom. My passion has always been leadership and business leadership in particular, I have seen myself as a pioneer and I hope you could join me in pioneering a business in South Africa.

I would like to start up a marketing consultancy business and I am looking for any NMMU students or South Africans in general to be part of this business. Firstly I am looking for a manager.

Please email me at if you are interested and we can then take the conversation further and I can give you more details regarding the start up of the business.

Take advantage of this opportunity, I will be funding some of the start up costs from England.

BLS greetings,
Shaun Pritchard

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hard Diligent Work = Success!

Prestigious BLS Executive, management and department participants.

Well it is a new year, so first of all happy new year to all of you!

This year will have many challenges but once overcome, through hard and diligent work will result in success and great reward! You create your environment through your energy, therefore you are accountable and responsible for the outcome of your life or department or work delegated to you. So far BLS's energy has produced many business leaders and has several up and coming business leaders.

Your executive and managers must answer to failures and get rewarded for successes. Remember a fish rots from the head down. In other words if there are problems with a department the first person who is at the wrong is the CEO then executive then manager and finally the department participant.

Work hard and don't forget to have FUN!

BLS greetings
Shaun Pritchard