Wednesday, November 4, 2009



Kelly Industrial is looking for Merchandisers over the festive season.

Please take note that this is a good way to building your work experience as a primary expectation from industry is that you have experience to land that first job.

(Managers of BLS are expected to build up their industry experience!)

If interested Please contact:

Sandy-Leigh Futter
Branch Secretarial Assistant George
Kelly Industrial

Tel: 044 875 9630 / 044 875 9643
Fax: 044 875 9672
Cell: 082 921 0678

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Leadership for 2010

Dear members of the prestigious BLS.

What an amazing AGM we had. BLS has seen tremendous growth in all areas of activity. 2010 will see BLS achieving greater heights then ever before. Well done!

Here are the names of the newly appointed leadership:

President: Natascha Laing
Vice President: Marnus de Klerk
Marketing Manager: Ashley Young
Event Manager: Joan-Marie Steenkamp
Financial Manager: Mmako Lefofane
IT Manager: Aphiwe Lingani
HR Manager: Lydia Djokai
Secretary: Marti van Niekerk

Assistant Managers
Assistant Marketing Manager: Mykail Gomez
Assistant Financial Manager: Monwabisi Balekhazi
Assistant Events Manager: Vivi Ziyongwanna and Zimkitha Notshokovu
Assistant IT Manager: Thobani Mafilika
Assistant Secretary: Pinky Mbuthuma

BLS Team

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Dear members of the prestigious BLS,

It is that time of the year again where new managers, assisting managers and department staff are elected or existing managers, assisting managers and existing department staff are re-elected at our AGM. The list of portfolios are listed as follows:
Vice President
Financial Manager and Department
Marketing Manager and Department
Human Resource Manager and Department
Event Manager and Department
Vice Secretary

Food and drinks will be provided.
Date: October 8th 2009
Time: 17:30 - 20:00
Venue: NMMU George Campus

Please RSVP before October 1st 2009 as there are only 15 seats left as all the others have been booked already. You can RSVP by emailing or Lifts will be provided from town to campus before the meeting and from campus to town after the meeting.

BLS's mission is to develop members to become tomorrow's business leaders.

Now is your chance to develop yourself to become tomorrow's business leader, so do not miss out!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Guest Speaker for September

Dear BLS members,

Please take note that James Fouche, Director of the Domain Group will be our guest speaker this month.

Date: September 15th, Tuesday
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Venue: Room 115 upstairs above Mzi and Dave's office

Topic: Corporate Ethics

BLS greetings

Monday, August 24, 2009

Guest Speaker for 26 August 2009!

Guest Speaker profile: Jacque is the Regional Manager of Plumblink SA (Pty) Ltd. He has over 15 years management experience. He has held the portfolio of Treasurer and Project manager on SRC during his university career.

His topic is on business leadership and student leadership.

All are welcome to join us in the NMMU main hall on the 26th Wednesday of August from 13:15 to 14:15.

BLS continues to lead as a student business society in South Africa for developing business leaders.

Monday, August 3, 2009

BLS adopts: Thembalethu High School

BLS adopted Thembalethu High School on the 31 July 2009. This was a successful event lead by the BLS's event manager (Sandy) and her ad hoc team which worked hard at making the event a success. All members of the ad hoc event team did a great job to assist the event manager of making the day a success. Well done BLS team!

BLS would also like to thank Eric Radermarcher for donating the Yellow-wood tree for the event which was planted and symbolises our committment and future growth with Thembalethu High School.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Guest Speaker: Niel Nel from Kelly Industrial

Dear Members

The Branch Manager of Kelly Industrial, Niel Nel will be our guest speaker this month. Kelly Industrial is an international recruitment agency and Kelly Industrial George will be going into a strategic partnership with BLS to ensure that members remain highly employable and assist in securing that first career.

The event will take place on 29 July 2009 at 13:00 - 14:00 in Auditorium - venue will depend on the turnout. Please take note that media will be present, George Herald and I think Eden FM will be there too.

Monday, July 13, 2009


"You have the power to hold your leaders accountable, and to build institutions that serve the people. You can serve in your communities, and harness your energy and education to create new wealth and build new connections to the world. You can conquer disease, end conflicts, and make change from the bottom up. You can do that. Yes you can. Because in this moment, history is on the move.

"Freedom is your inheritance. Now, it is your responsibility to build upon freedom's foundation. And if you do, we will look back years from now to places like Accra and say that this was the time when the promise was realized -- this was the moment when prosperity was forged; pain was overcome; and a new era of progress began. This can be the time when we witness the triumph of justice once more."

Friday, July 3, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Leadership Styles

I thought I would use a portion of my thesis which touches on leadership styles. My thesis is entitled "The usage of CRM as a sustainable competitive advantage: A study of Jetline George." CRM stands for customer relationship marketing. We as BLS members should take pride in our univeristy and research should be a cornerstone within BLS's foundation.

Leadership Styles

The leadership style of a manager will have a direct influence on achieving long-term and sustainable growth in CRM. CRM being focused on building long-term relationships with customers must be complimented with a leadership style that can nurture employees in an organisation to work interdependently to achieve long-term and sustainable growth in CRM.

Dr Stephen Covey (2004:49) an internationally respected leadership authority noted that many managers are ineffective generates of long-term and sustainable growth in [CRM] as their maturity level as a leader has not passed the level of independence and as a manager continues to grow and mature as a leader, he/she becomes increasingly aware that all of nature is interdependent, that there is an ecological system that governs nature, including society. This realisation allows a manager to combine their own efforts with the efforts of his/her employees to achieve his/her greatest success.

The following leadership styles in Table 1 and Table 2 below have been identified and classified according to their level of effectiveness in terms of their interdependency or independence nature and their effectiveness or ineffectiveness in achieving long-term and sustainable growth in CRM.


Source: Adapted from Leadership Styles (2009¶7)

Monday, May 25, 2009

BLS assits in Jetline promotion at Kingswood Golf Estate

Our main sponsor Jetline and strategic business partner has allowed BLS members to actively take what they learn at university to the business world. Jetline George has spent over R1290,00 on student employment so far. BLS will continue to make sure that our mutual beneficial relationship carries on this year.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Social Responsibility

Social responsibility which finds itself expressed as one of our points to our mission must be embraced and practiced within the BLS and ultimately businesses should be inspired by our initiatives and encouraged to do the same.

It is inhumane for any business to ignore the poor and vulnerable in our society. Government cannot be totally responsible for the up-liftment of the poor and vulnerable, it must be the task of every citizen and organisation to ensure that they give back to society in a meaningful and productive way and we express this in social responsibility. As future business owners and executives it starts with us within BLS. We are tomorrows business leaders.

As we move on to adopting a previously disadvantaged school (Tembaletu High School) with the aim of giving back to our local community and focusing on raising business leaders within that school, we must ensure that in our personal lives of influence and as a collective (BLS) that we ensure that we create a national principle that finds its roots within the business value of empathy. Every business is made up of individuals who together form an organisation or business. Therefore BLS's argument is the following: If an organisation is made up of individuals, then surely those organisations that do not practice social responsibility are made up of individuals who in the majority do not care about the poor and vulnerable in society or have not been enlightened to the importance of social responsibility and therefore have no structures in place to participate in social responsibility.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Creating Confidence and Remuneration

The BLS is offering work opportunities for next week 14 Thursday from 09:00 - 14:00. It will be a promotion run for Jetline George in which promoters will be given a sales pitch and products. We looking for those that can sell.

A minimum of R230.00 will be paid to each promoter. You will be involved in assisting in designing the promotion and the after analysis of the promotion. Which will allow for experience and managerial responsibility. This will be of great benefit to you on your CV, a written reference will also be provided on completion of the day.

Please reply if you are interested, only two more places are available. Please reply to this blog and leave your student number so that we can email you to set up an interview. Take note that the work experience you will be getting is of great benefit to you.

We will carry on achieving our mission this year and the years to come - confidence and remuneration are two of our four points to our mission.

Marketing and HR department

Monday, April 20, 2009

President of BLS interviewed by Dutch media

One of our points to our mission statement is that of creating awareness for members capabilities. How do we achieve such a mission? The answer is simple: Get involved in providing solutions to the problems we face in South Africa and awareness for your unique abilities will follow.

The President of BLS was interviewed by a Dutch media company (IKON) on the 15 April 2009 in South Africa after being invited to give a speech along with Dr Bosak. Questions around the upcoming elections where asked. The President of BLS responded and based his compliments and criticism of political parties on three main pillars that he regarded every political party should articulate in their policies and actions: that of building a non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa for All.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Approach: Operating as a Company

BLS is taking on a new approach to achieving its mission statement. BLS will only operate through and with its departments. There will no longer be 'members' but rather participants - you will be required to join and actively participate in a department of your choice. It will be structured as a company in operation.

We are building our Marketing department, Financial department, IT department and Events department.

All departments will work towards the following goals for this year 2009:

  • Departments will assist in the developing, maintaining and growth of Jetline's relationship with the NMMU. Please take note that we are talking about thousands of Rands in business and perhaps more in the future years. As the President of BLS has been in discussion with the management of NMMU George Campus and management have agreed that a relationship be formed with Jetline in which Jetline will be committed to sponsoring a sports team yearly in condition that Jetline receive business in the form of print. On top of this it looks promising that Jetline will be allowed to occupy business space on campus, this will create employment for BLS participants.
  • Departments will assist in the launch of our own business (affiliated to the BLS) in which some of you according to work merit and commitment will get shares and become directors of the business.
  • Departments will Network with industry, with the aim of bringing business leads and supporters for our agenda.
  • Departments will actively participate in the Business Chamber of Commerce in which BLS will become members when we finalize our managers of the departments at hand.
  • Students will create maximum exposure for their abilities within industry and maximum experience that will be achieved through students participation.
  • Departments will build networks and assisting every member to remunerated working opportunities, during the course of their study and on graduation of their course.
  • Departments will assist the city of George in finding solutions to poverty and the implementation of these solutions.

Only 4 committed participants are required to head up the four main departments.

So lets get wealthy together, trust me there are so many opportunities for wealth generation in George and as a team we can become captains of industry.

"Being industry leaders while still being students and graduating as business owners and managers, applying what we learn in the classroom to industry on a daily basis. That's what you will be." BLS President

Monday, March 9, 2009

AGM: New Young Director of Jetline George delivers his speech

Good Afternoon Students and Staff of NMMU and the prestigious Business and Leadership Society.

My name is Greig Fleet, I am 24yrs and I am the new Director of Jetline George.
First and foremost I would like to thank NMMU and BLS, for giving me the opportunity to speak at tonight’s AGM.

Jetline as a franchise has grown from strength to strength since it was established in the early eighties in response to the business community's need for an effective solution in terms of a fast print market. Jetline has since set a precedent for an entire category of 'one stop print shops,' but has also ongoingly set and raised the benchmark for this category.

Jetline's consistent focus on providing not only South Africans, but also a large international market with innovative and cutting-edge technology in the print market has allowed the company to sustain the brand's momentum over the past twenty odd years, and having created a reputation for superior quality combined with the company's philosophy of under-promising and over delivering, has played a significant role in the brand's phenomenal and exemplary growth.

Over the years Jetline has acquired and solidified very large contracts with lucrative companies and tertiary institutions, such as UNISA, Damelin, University of Johannesburg (formerly known as RAU), Virgin, MTN, BMW and many more. Jetline George would very much like to build a mutually beneficial relationship with the students and staff as well as the institution of NMMU.
We, as a franchise have literally canvassed and taken over the Gauteng area with regard to our market, with 40 franchises in South Africa of which majority of those being in Johannesburg, our aim is to build a networked support Centre in the George area, acting as the central nervous system to the existing and future branches in the Western and Eastern Cape.

Our Product range and services extends so vastly that not many people, especially in the cape know what we have to offer. To give you an idea. We offer:
From one single print to millions at a time. card to billboard. lithograph and digital full colour printing in any shape, form or size. copying, CD/DVD duplication, silkscreen printing, corporate stationary, wide format outdoor printing, email, internet, Direct mailing and our own service provider, a full spectrum of Graphic Design and corporate branding, lamination and encapsulation and specialized printing in every form of the word.

Now that i have told you what Jetline stands for and our services let me give you a briefing of my personal background and path to where i stand now in the jetline corporate ladder. Coming from a journalism and design background, having studied Multimedia, i entered into the Jetline group as a junior designer for a Pretoria Branch. Knowing that i would have to set myself aside from the rest of the employees i dedicated myself and worked tirelessly day in and day out, manoeuvring my way into a position as Head Design Co-ordinator and then Junior Manager of Jetline Head Office in Johannesburg. On the 6th December 2008 Managing Director John Shalala, offered me a 49% shareholding in Jetline George. I accepted... Gladly at that...But...Being a Director of multi-million rand franchise requires extreme dedication to your industry, always being able to lead, but be lead when necessary. One will always make mistakes in life, but what differentiates a success story to a failure is how you deal with that mistake and learn from it. As a young businessman, one does not want the label of being a director to get the better of you, there are and will always be challenges to face. But you have to take it in your stride, adapt and overcome.

Jetline, Shaun and myself, would like to pursue a personal and business relationship with NMMU, using all resources at hand. We have now become one of the main sponsors for BLS and with perseverance would like to take on NMMU George as a whole. I would like to incorporate using students into the mix, use the marketers for marketing and so on and so forth. I would like to create awareness for the University as well as my company so that all decisions made between both parties will be mutually benifical for the growth for all. I would like to build relationships with Key decision makers where, they can be confident with the outcome and satisfied with the service.

We have started a special for everybody at NMMU, offering 10% discount on all work, terms and conditions apply with certain items. I hope everyone will make use of the offer.

With that i would like to say that with success comes perseverance, hard work and dedication. So strive to better yourself in every aspect of life.

If anybody would like to ask any questions, you may?

Enjoy your evening and thank you.