Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Approach: Operating as a Company

BLS is taking on a new approach to achieving its mission statement. BLS will only operate through and with its departments. There will no longer be 'members' but rather participants - you will be required to join and actively participate in a department of your choice. It will be structured as a company in operation.

We are building our Marketing department, Financial department, IT department and Events department.

All departments will work towards the following goals for this year 2009:

  • Departments will assist in the developing, maintaining and growth of Jetline's relationship with the NMMU. Please take note that we are talking about thousands of Rands in business and perhaps more in the future years. As the President of BLS has been in discussion with the management of NMMU George Campus and management have agreed that a relationship be formed with Jetline in which Jetline will be committed to sponsoring a sports team yearly in condition that Jetline receive business in the form of print. On top of this it looks promising that Jetline will be allowed to occupy business space on campus, this will create employment for BLS participants.
  • Departments will assist in the launch of our own business (affiliated to the BLS) in which some of you according to work merit and commitment will get shares and become directors of the business.
  • Departments will Network with industry, with the aim of bringing business leads and supporters for our agenda.
  • Departments will actively participate in the Business Chamber of Commerce in which BLS will become members when we finalize our managers of the departments at hand.
  • Students will create maximum exposure for their abilities within industry and maximum experience that will be achieved through students participation.
  • Departments will build networks and assisting every member to remunerated working opportunities, during the course of their study and on graduation of their course.
  • Departments will assist the city of George in finding solutions to poverty and the implementation of these solutions.

Only 4 committed participants are required to head up the four main departments.

So lets get wealthy together, trust me there are so many opportunities for wealth generation in George and as a team we can become captains of industry.

"Being industry leaders while still being students and graduating as business owners and managers, applying what we learn in the classroom to industry on a daily basis. That's what you will be." BLS President

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