Friday, September 11, 2009

Guest Speaker for September

Dear BLS members,

Please take note that James Fouche, Director of the Domain Group will be our guest speaker this month.

Date: September 15th, Tuesday
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Venue: Room 115 upstairs above Mzi and Dave's office

Topic: Corporate Ethics

BLS greetings


Anonymous said...

Wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...

It was a great topic and so relevant as it is the buzz word in international business. Whatever you do, do not miss out on our AGM next month October 8th 17:30.

Anonymous said...

BLS is the best option to get recodnition

Anonymous said...

I really learned a lot from the quest speaker, James Fouche. I have started to apply the 2 second rule in my life. To spent 2 seconds just to think about the situation, your action and be patient and must say as a leader by thinking it through you really make better dictions.

Anonymous said...

You are so right about the two second rule! So many times in leadership one takes a quick decision while angry and when you give it some thought afterwards, your realise 'Wow maybe I should not have said/emailed that!'

So yes, take 2 seconds before making any decisions when angry.