Saturday, September 17, 2011


Well what a busy week it has been!

This week took me to Harley Street in London. A famous street in London with many world renowned medical Doctors and Specialists. I was fortunate enough to present some of our products to a well known Professor who I discovered was filmed in a popular BBC Television series.

The presentation went well and the feedback was good.

I remember the days at university when we all had to deliver a presentation to the class and the nerves that were associated with my first few presentations was quite an experience. Once in 3rd year it became more about delivering an excellent presentation rather than getting through a presentation. These presentation skills are vital for the business world.

I believe in 4 broad factors that make a presentation sound:

1) Preparation
2) Confidence
3) Summarise
4) Close the sale or identify the next step

The UK so far has been a great environment to gain necessary work experience in a developed economy. How amazing it will be for me to bring the experience and skills I have gained here to the SA market. To play a part in growing the SA economy.

The picture below is of me on Westminster Bridge with the Houses of Parliament in the background. On the way to my next meeting...

Shaun Pritchard

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