Monday, June 15, 2009

Leadership Styles

I thought I would use a portion of my thesis which touches on leadership styles. My thesis is entitled "The usage of CRM as a sustainable competitive advantage: A study of Jetline George." CRM stands for customer relationship marketing. We as BLS members should take pride in our univeristy and research should be a cornerstone within BLS's foundation.

Leadership Styles

The leadership style of a manager will have a direct influence on achieving long-term and sustainable growth in CRM. CRM being focused on building long-term relationships with customers must be complimented with a leadership style that can nurture employees in an organisation to work interdependently to achieve long-term and sustainable growth in CRM.

Dr Stephen Covey (2004:49) an internationally respected leadership authority noted that many managers are ineffective generates of long-term and sustainable growth in [CRM] as their maturity level as a leader has not passed the level of independence and as a manager continues to grow and mature as a leader, he/she becomes increasingly aware that all of nature is interdependent, that there is an ecological system that governs nature, including society. This realisation allows a manager to combine their own efforts with the efforts of his/her employees to achieve his/her greatest success.

The following leadership styles in Table 1 and Table 2 below have been identified and classified according to their level of effectiveness in terms of their interdependency or independence nature and their effectiveness or ineffectiveness in achieving long-term and sustainable growth in CRM.


Source: Adapted from Leadership Styles (2009¶7)