Thursday, March 13, 2008

What's in a name?

Those who attended yesterday's Student Council General Meeting (their first of the year), are surely rather depressed with the current state of this campus. I know that I, as a member of the BLS, was incredibly saddened by the priorities of a few that speak for many. To update those who were unable to attend, the BLS attended the meeting with the following key issues in mind:

* Creating a portfolio for environmental affairs;

* Determining how the management process can be quickened with regard to the 1,5 million investment (discussed in a previous post);

* Discerning the vision and policies of Student Council with regards to transformation;

The end result was that some clarity and resolution was achieved with regard to the first two points, but very little clarity and no policy was put forward with regard to transformation.

The greatest sign that there is something horribly wrong on this campus was a question raised with regards to BLS. Key issues on this campus not mentioned in the meeting included communication, and transformation. The society that put forward this question to the BLS claims to represent transformation. Surely then, this was the subject commented on?

Unfortunately not. Of the comments brought forward, one was indeed relevant: The desire for the Student Parliament to meet once per quarter as stated in the constitution. The other was a claim made that the BLS should have a chairperson, and not a president.

Yes, with the key issues of transformation, communication and the environment begging to be discussed, the most pressing problem was decided to be the way in which the leader of the BLS is defined. These are surely individuals who no longer care about the students of this campus. It has become a game of power and ego, in which students are always the losers. It makes one sigh deeply and question where NMMU George Campus is heading, if this is the stance taken by it's supposed leaders.

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