Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

GO BLUE Campaign (SPCA)

We are launching the Go Blue Campaign! Wow this is going to be big and already we have Eric Radermacher on board as the main sponsor! Oh wow just a matter of time till more big sponsors are on board!The campaign will be to raise funds for SPCA as they are struggling. We will be producing blue products such as t-shirts, etc and a large part of the profit of each blue product sold will go to SPCA.

We want to launch a project that will see a continuous flow of income for SPCA one that will carry on year after year. We plan on having the Go Blue Campaign every month in which blue products are sold at selected clothing stores and other business venues around George and then to spread it across South Africa. Many non-profit organisations struggle to create a sustainable income. We as BLS along with successful entrepreneurs will be designing the Go Blue Campaign that will see a sustainable and growing income for SPCA.We will launch the campaign within a week with our main sponsors and BLS giving a speech and question and answer session for the public of George as well as for NMMU. We plan on designing our first T-shirts soon so that we can use them at the launching event and hopefully we will be able to secure 200 t-shirts for free for BLS. Please take note that this is an awesome opportunity to meet with leading entrepreneurs as well as being able to personally market yourself and your abilities to industry.

All members interested in being part of the organising committee please email us at as we need to set up this committee as soon as possible.

Go Blue Campaign!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Making Auctions Pretty!!

Making Auctions Pretty!!

Join us for a fun filled evening of Auctions!!

You could 'buy' a date with any of the 20 nominees!!

Date: 23 April

Time: 7pm for 8pm

Place: Saasveld Pub

Tickets are R5 each and buy BLS notes at the event!
More notes will be for sale at the event, so bring cash if you want to take part!

Remember: it's only a coffee date, girls can bring a friend and a group of guys can't 'buy' one girl.... Keep it light people...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What's in a name?

Those who attended yesterday's Student Council General Meeting (their first of the year), are surely rather depressed with the current state of this campus. I know that I, as a member of the BLS, was incredibly saddened by the priorities of a few that speak for many. To update those who were unable to attend, the BLS attended the meeting with the following key issues in mind:

* Creating a portfolio for environmental affairs;

* Determining how the management process can be quickened with regard to the 1,5 million investment (discussed in a previous post);

* Discerning the vision and policies of Student Council with regards to transformation;

The end result was that some clarity and resolution was achieved with regard to the first two points, but very little clarity and no policy was put forward with regard to transformation.

The greatest sign that there is something horribly wrong on this campus was a question raised with regards to BLS. Key issues on this campus not mentioned in the meeting included communication, and transformation. The society that put forward this question to the BLS claims to represent transformation. Surely then, this was the subject commented on?

Unfortunately not. Of the comments brought forward, one was indeed relevant: The desire for the Student Parliament to meet once per quarter as stated in the constitution. The other was a claim made that the BLS should have a chairperson, and not a president.

Yes, with the key issues of transformation, communication and the environment begging to be discussed, the most pressing problem was decided to be the way in which the leader of the BLS is defined. These are surely individuals who no longer care about the students of this campus. It has become a game of power and ego, in which students are always the losers. It makes one sigh deeply and question where NMMU George Campus is heading, if this is the stance taken by it's supposed leaders.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

1.5 Million Rand Investment Opportunity for Saasveld!

When the BLS had lunch with one of the Directors and Owners of Jetline along with the George Branch Manager, the Director said that he was willing to invest 1.5 million Rand worth of Capital for a much needed service for the NMMU students and staff members. Jetline offers services and products such as binding, laminating, making business cards, colour printing, graphic designing, etc. It would be a “world class service” for us as students. All he asked for was 150m2 and they will be at our University as soon as management of the NMMU gave the go ahead. We would have our own Jetline!
I have had a meeting since then with management and have requested vie email what exactly is needed for Jetline to do in order to get the go ahead. I am still waiting for the reply.
This business will also provide student employment and will provide great experience for the leadership of the BLS as they will gain management skills as well as for members.

Management of the BLS and to the members I say, let us work hard together to build business and leadership within this university because if we can lead now and if we can initiate business now then we can do it when we out of university. As Covey has said that learning is not learning until you are implementing it and trying it out.

Please Management of the BLS comment and members as I would like to show the NMMU management the comments for this much needed business for the NMMU, George Campus. I will invite management along with the Principle to read the post along with the comments.

Shaun Pritchard

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The quest for initiative

Last year I was the researcher in my advertising campaign project group. Our task was to effectively market the campus, so I took it upon myself to speak to the marketing 1st years to gain fresh perspective as to why NMMU George Campus is viewed negatively. The almost uniform response was that there wasn't the same student life and traditions found at larger universities such as Stellenbosch and UCT. I found this rather strange, because after all, don't students create student life? Surely it is students who create those lasting traditions? This leads to what I believe is the greatest threat faced by this campus: Student apathy.

Student life is a concept that is usually narrowly defined, but that encompasses virtually all issues on campus. The quality of your student life can be affected by racism, student politics, student tradition and academics. It is the way in which you interact with those on campus, and the enjoyment you derive from studying at university. A university becomes more than just a place of learning: It is an experience. In a direct sense, those that contribute to your experience are your friends and the lecturers that instruct you. On a greater or macro level, however, your university experience is created by student leaders.

Amongst those to whom this responsibility falls are Student Council, and the various societies on campus. I have, however, observed two major issues:

1) Students are unwilling to take initiative, and become student leaders.
2) Events/Meetings/Campaigns organised by leaders are met with widespread apathy and are largely ignored.

It is easy to see the cycle that develops from this. I pose the following questions then to our members: Why is there such apathy (disinterest) on campus, and how can this situation be remedied?

Nathan Smit
Secretary General

Wednesday, March 5, 2008



Feb 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008



The BLS would like to know how you feel about the question posed in the heading: ‘No hope for white South Africans?’ Please comment on this and don’t worry you can say whatever you want to but please be considerate. Please mention what ethnic group you are and provide solutions to the problem. Example: emigrate or government policies must be changed (BEE), etc. And what we as students could possibly do to make a better SA?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Collective Surpasses the Individual

There are many elements to leadership. We as the BLS being one of the most prestigious student societies in South Africa realise the importance of leadership in its many elements. Most students are not aware of the influence, power and the intellectual ethos of a collective thought and movement (organisations). They seem to be unaware to the fact that you “either work for them or they work for you.” Many presidents and world leaders within business and politics have been groomed in student organisations.

Of course there are a few dominant secret societies in the world that have tremendous connections with very influential business people and politicians. The reality is that a small part of the total collective has dominated for a very long time.

The question that may be asked is that of: Why is there a trend of the minority imposing their worldview (economically and governmental) on the majority of people with most of the majority not even realising the fact? The answer lies in laziness or fear or ignorance or a combination of the three. That tends to plague the majority of people. We are sometimes to lazy to get involved in a society, reading, debating, etc or we fear to get involved and active or perhaps we have never been given the chance to be enlightened to the realities of business and leadership within this world.

The secret is in getting informed, involved and active in an intellectual way and that starts in the BLS. A few people have told me that a student society can not be compared to the challenges of the ‘real world’. I say to those that it is perhaps wise to rather make an informed comment as the reality is that tomorrows world leaders are today’s student leaders. The reality is that business practices can and are practiced within the BLS, leadership is practiced in the BLS. People are people and leadership is leadership. The BLS provides members the opportunities to get involved in business and leadership in all its elements.

Here is a sobering statement made by President Wilson, 1913:

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U. S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
Individuals have limited influence but a group has unlimited influence. The way a group uses its influence whether that be for good or for bad purpose is up to them, but the fact remains, the group surpasses an individual.


Shaun Pritchard

Sunday, February 24, 2008

BLS Constitution: 13th Amendment


1 Section One


2 Section Two

Guiding Principles

3 Section Three

Aims and Objectives

4 Section Four

Composition of the Business and Leadership Society

5 Section Five

Powers and Duties of the various Portfolios

6 Section Six

Business & Leadership Society’s Executive Committee

7 Section Seven

The Management Meetings

8 Section Eight

General Meetings

9 Section Nine

Term of Office

10 Section Ten

The Presidential Debate

11 Section Eleven

Disciplinary Measures

12 Section Twelve


13 Section Thirteen

The Founder

1 Section One


The name of the society will be the Business & Leadership Society and the acronym will be BLS.

2 Section Two

Guiding Principles

2.1 Mission Statement

Developing members to become tomorrow’s business leaders.

2.2 Aims and Objectives

Our aims and objectives are to ensure members are equipped with the necessary tools:

 To enable them to take their places in the commercial sector with confidence.

 To grow their intellectual capacity.

 To make the commercial sector, nationally and internationally, aware of members’ capabilities.

 To provide remunerated work opportunities for members.
 To play a leading role as a student organisation in providing solutions for poverty and implementation thereof. Starting with the local community, extending nationally, then internationally.

• To protect and preserve our natural environment.

2.3 Values

The Business & Leadership Society shall have the following eight core values:

2.2.1 Leadership: Members are required to respect the leadership structure of the BLS and members are encouraged to participate in leadership activities.

2.2.2 Creative Thinking: Members are encouraged to be innovative in achieving the mission and objectives.

2.2.3 Honesty: Members of the BLS are required to be fair and righteous in speech and act, not lying, cheating or stealing.

2.2.4 Passion: Strong enthusiasm towards the BLS’s mission and objectives are encouraged and valued.

2.2.5 Commitment: Members are required to be committed and strongly dedicated to the mission and objectives of the BLS.

2.2.6 Excellence: Members are encouraged to be of surpassing merit within their undertakings of the BLS.

2.2.7 Academic Excellence: Members are encouraged to do the best of their ability in their fields of study.

2.2.8 Unity: Members are required to cohere with the mission and objectives of the BLS.

4 Section Four

Composition of the Business Leadership Society

4.1 President

4.2 Vice President

4.3 Secretary

4.4 Vice Secretary

4.5 Financial Manager

4.6 Human Resource Manager

4.7 Marketing Manager

4.8 Information and Technology Manager

4.9 Event Manager

5 Section Five

Powers and Duties of the various Portfolios


5.1.1 Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Business & Leadership Society.

5.1.2 Shall be the chief spokesman and representative of the Business & Leadership Society.

5.1.3 Shall protect and promote the good image of the Business & Leadership Society at all times.

5.1.4 Shall preside over the Business & Leadership Society’s meetings.

5.1.5 Shall monitor the Business & Leadership Society’s activities and delegate where necessary.

5.1.6 Shall in consultation with the Secretary help set up the agendas.

5.1.7 Shall provide leadership to the Business & Leadership Society.

5.1.8 Shall be the signatory to financial transactions of the Business & Leadership Society.

5.1.9 Shall be the intellectual spearhead of the Business & Leadership Society.


5.2.1 Shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.

5.2.2 Shall be the head of the internal Disciplinary Committee of the Business & Leadership Society.

5.2.3 Shall monitor the performance of the various portfolios of the Business & Leadership Society’s leadership, in consultation with the President.

5.2.4 Shall be a signatory to financial transactions of the Business & Leadership Society.


5.3.1 Shall be the chief administrative officer of the Business & Leadership Society.

5.3.2 Shall inform members of all meetings and events.

5.3.3 Shall together with the president draft the agenda for meetings and events.

5.3.4 Shall inform the members seven days before a general meeting or an event.

5.3.5 Shall e-mail the agenda of any meeting or event three days before it commences.

5.3.6 Shall e-mail minutes of a previous meeting three days before the next meeting.

5.3.7 Shall keep proper minutes of all Business & Leadership Society’s meetings.

5.3.8 Shall be responsible for office order as well as inventory.

5.3.9 Shall be responsible for correspondence to and from the Business & Leadership Society.

5.3.10 Shall together with the Information Technology Manager make sure a laptop is present in order to take down minutes of a meeting or event.

5.3.11 Shall in the event where the President and the Deputy President are not available carry out their duties, assume the duties of the President and the Deputy President.


5.4.1 Shall assume the duties of Secretary in his/her absence.

5.4.2 Shall perform such duties assigned to him/her by the Secretary.

5.4.3 Shall keep the records of the Business & Leadership Society and ensure that archives are maintained.


5.5.1 Shall open and operate banking accounts, in consultation with the President and the Secretary.

5.5.2 Shall be the head of the Finance Committee of the Society, which shall comprise of the President and the Vice President.

5.5.3 Shall give out money for any of the Society’s projects and any other purpose approved by the executives.

5.5.4 Shall receive money that is given or due to the Society and record the transaction(s).

5.5.5 Shall produce an income and expenditure statement monthly.

5.5.6 Shall draw up the annual budget for the Society and present it to the executive for approval.

5.5.7 Shall be responsible for all the income and expenditure of the Society.

5.5.8 Shall be a signatory to all financial transactions of the Society.

5.5.9 Shall appoint an assistant financial manager if he/she believes it is necessary.


5.6.1 Shall maintain the membership data base and the professionalism of the data base with the assistance of the Information Technology Manager.

5.6.2 Shall liaise with businesses so that relationships can be built with various businesses in order to provide our members with employment opportunities.

5.6.3 Shall maintain good relations with student bodies and key staff members of the University.

5.6.4 Shall head up the Interview Committee of the Business & Leadership Society.

5.6.5 Shall respond and take action where possible to member’s requests for working opportunities.

5.6.6 Shall strive to maintain the prestigious nature of the Business & Leadership Society.

5.6.7 Shall appoint an assistant human resource manager if he/she believes it is necessary.


5.7.1 Shall head up and manage the Marketing Department.

5.7.2 Shall consistently market the Business & Leadership Society.

5.7.3 Shall design all media together with the marketing department.

5.7.4 Shall design all advertising material with the marketing department.

5.7.5 Shall make sure that the Business & Leadership Society is regularly marketed at university and within public media.

5.7.6 Shall create and implement a marketing strategy for the marketing department.

5.7.8 Shall be responsible for creating a budget for any costs that the department may occur, in conjunction with the Finance Committee.

5.7.9 Shall appoint an assistant marketing manager if he/she believes it is necessary.


5.8.1 Shall maintain and update the website and membership data base whenever it is required.

5.8.3 Shall set up the laptop or any other electrical appliances needed at meetings and events.

5.8.4 Shall develop and maintain the technological excellence of the Business & Leadership Society.

5.8.5 Shall create and update the distribution list.


5.9.1 Shall head up the event department.

5.9.2 Shall plan and execute events for the society.

5.9.3 Shall with the Marketing Department devise the creative concepts for an event.

5.9.4 Shall manage the technical and logistical elements of an event.

5.9.5 Shall manage all the tasks of an event.

5.9.6 Shall, in order to establish a focus, brainstorm the event with members of the society to gain insight as to what is needed for an event.

5.9.7 Shall be responsible for the budgeting all events, along with the Finance Committee.

5.9.8 Shall appoint an assistant event manager if he/she believes it is necessary.

6 Section Six

Business & Leadership Society’s Executive Committee

6.1 The BLS Executive Committee structure shall comprise of the President, Vice President and five executives as selected by the President and Vice President:

6.1.1 President
6.1.2 Vice President
6.1.3 (Manager selected to executive committee)
6.1.4 (Manager selected to executive committee)
6.1.5 (Manager selected to executive committee)

6.2 Powers and duties of the Executive Committee:

6.2.1 Shall be responsible for the general day to day administration of the BLS.

6.2.2 Shall monitor the execution of the day-to-day business of the BLS.

6.2.3 Shall make recommendations regarding those matters referred to
it by the BLS.

6.2.4 Shall report to the BLS on all relevant issues.

6.3.5 Shall report monthly to the board of directors through the BLS president.

7 Section Seven

Management Meetings

7.1 The Business and Leadership Society’s management shall meet once a week.

7.2 A quorum shall consist of two-thirds, if there is no quorum the meeting shall be adjourned for 24 hours and the managers that attend the second meeting shall be constituted a quorum irrespective of the number of managers present.

7.3 The President or, in his absence, the Vice President shall convene all Business and Leadership Society’s management meetings.

7.4 The Secretary shall distribute notices of meetings at least three days before the management meeting.

7.5 The Secretary shall distribute minutes of the previous managements’ meeting at least three days before the meeting.

8 Section Eight

General Meetings

8.1 The management together with all department members of the Business & Leadership Society shall meet once a month.

8.2 The management shall plan for all General Meetings.

8.3 All speakers that will address our members at a general meeting must first be ratified by the Executive.

9 Section Nine

Term of Office

The management of the Business and Leadership Society shall be elected once in every year at an AGM.

10 Section Ten

The Presidential Debate

The new President will be decided at an event called The Presidential Debate in which candidates for presidency will debate against each other, answer questions from the audience and will give a speech. The members present along with the management will decide upon who the new President will be. The members will vote on a ballet paper.

11 Section Eleven

Disciplinary Measures

11.1 A disciplinary committee responsible for the discipline of any members of the Business & Leadership Society’s members will be comprised of the following portfolios:

• The President;
• The Vice President; and
• The Human Resource Manager.

11.2 The Vice President shall be the head of the Disciplinary Committee and shall convene all disciplinary hearings unless he/she is the accused party.

11.3 In the event that the President and/or the Vice President and/or the Human Resource Manager is the accused member, the BLS shall appoint an alternative member of the BLS in his/her/their place.

11.4 Normally within a week of receipt of a written complaint against an accused member of the BLS, a disciplinary hearing shall be convened by the Vice President.

11.5 The Vice President shall inform the accused of the complaint, the date, time and venue of the hearing at least three days before the date of the hearing. The complainant shall be timeously informed of the date, time and place of the hearing.

11.6 From the time of such written notification by the Vice President, the accused shall be suspended from the BLS and shall be informed in writing, until a finding is made by the disciplinary committee.

11.7 Should the accused be found guilty, the disciplinary committee may impose one or more of the following penalties:

• Verbal reprimand and/or warning
• Reprimand and/or warning in writing
• Apology in writing to a particular person or body
• Deprivation of all or some of the privileges for a determined or indefinite period; which may include:

a) Participation as a leader, member, organizer, or official of the BLS;
b) Forfeiture of any of the privileges of members, including any stipends payable by the University or BLS;
c) Obtaining or wearing the colours of the BLS in any form;
d) Forfeiture of a student’s appointment of any kind whatsoever.

12 Section Twelve


12.1 Every person on becoming a member of the Business and Leadership Society shall pay the subscription fee, as determined by the Leadership of the Society.

12.2 No person shall occupy any leadership position on the society unless he/she has paid his/her subscription fee.

12.3 No person shall be able to represent the society or attend the Leadership or General Meetings unless he/she has paid the subscription fee.

13 Section Thirteen

The Founder

13.2 The founder shall be the chairman of the BLS Board of Directors.

This constitution was written by Shaun William Pritchard on 3 October 2007.
[First] Amendment on the 8 December 2007.
[Second] Amendment on the 19 December 2007.
[Third] Amendment on the 29 December 2007.
[Fourth] Amendment on the 30 December 2007.
[Fifth] Amendment on the 04 January 2008.
[Sixth] Amendment on the 19 January 2008.
[Seventh] Amendment on the 04 February 2008.
[Eighth] Amendment on the 08 February 2008.
[Ninth] Amendment on the 28 February 2008.
[Tenth] Amendment on the 27 March 2008.
[Eleventh] Amendment on the 20 June 2008.
[Twelfth] Amendment on the 1 December 2008.
[Thirteenth] Amendment on 8 October 2009 and all amendments up to date were adopted at the AGM on 8 October 2009.