Friday, February 29, 2008



The BLS would like to know how you feel about the question posed in the heading: ‘No hope for white South Africans?’ Please comment on this and don’t worry you can say whatever you want to but please be considerate. Please mention what ethnic group you are and provide solutions to the problem. Example: emigrate or government policies must be changed (BEE), etc. And what we as students could possibly do to make a better SA?


Anonymous said...

I disagree

BLS said...

I am a white male student studying at the NMMU. I do not agree that there is "no hope" but I am fearful about the government and their policies, expecially with Zuma in power. I believe to make SA a success is by expanding and growing industry to enable all people to have equal opportunity in this country. I am fearful about the future of SA though.

Anonymous said...

I was recently in Johannesburg and was talking to a couple of respected businessmen there. They gave me a theory about BEE which once thought about makes a lot of sense.
It’s all about numbers and statistics. If you think about it, white males make up a very small amount of the overall population. I'm not sure of the exact statistics but here's an example. White males make up one in every 20 economically active people in SA. Therefore, it is only logical that they have a 1 in 20 chance of actually getting the job, if the business hiring them is to be fair. It doesn't make it any easier or nicer for the white males, but it's reality and we have to face it...

Anonymous said...

The statement made by Jenette on the basis of statistics is largely misleading. It assumes that all things are equal, which is a fallacy that ignores many variables.

For all things to be equal, education levels need to be the same. A legacy of Apartheid, however, is that white students are still receiving better education opportunities. Our university, for example, has a 50/50 ratio; which certainly doesn't reflect the demographics of this country.

Besides that, using odds to determine probability of gaining employment is wrong. Your chances of winning the lotto are virtually nil, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to win the lotto. And the lotto doesn't involve the variables of skill and ability. The current situation creates a zero chance of employment (in certain cases) based on demographics, not skill and ability. So the reality is that the "odds" of getting a job are far greater than 1 in 20.

What BEE does is assume a perfectly equal enviroment, but then it enforces a perfectly equal enviroment. If all things were equal though, there would be no logical incentive (other than racism, and not all people are racists oddly enough) to not hire persons of colour. If all things were equal, no system would be needed.

Take engineering for example. I read about an engineering post that was vacant in this country with a salary of R100 000 per month. Many engineers leave this country for less than that. The reason the post was vacant? It required a black female, and no qualified black female had applied for the position. At this time, there simply aren't as many black engineers. Again, the situation cannot be assumed to be equal.

Anonymous said...

I do not agree, i am a white afrikaans male in agriculture. If you think there is no hope and see only the dark side, you are looking at south-africa from the wrong perspective, think about the oppertunities BEE creates. Look at ESKOM private companies that is not BEE now has the opportunity to supply power. The only time there is no hope left and no future is when you stop believing.

I say stand up for what you believe in and create a better future for yourself.

Learn to see the oportunities and take advantage in a country where the near future looks dark.

Dont light a candle, shine a spotlight.

(forgive my English)

Anonymous said...

hi I also disagree with that statement. you need to take out that negative mind. To me this is like PROPERGANDER THAT WILL MAKE, CREATE FEAR TO WHITE.I ALSO THINK THOSE WITH THAT MIND THEY NEED TO GET THE RIGHT MINING FOR BEE.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, our past will always haunt us, as long as we allow it to, as the new South African generation we should take a stand and make a difference, as we live is a democratic country so we should act as such,we are in charge of our own futures and that is the beauty of living n a democracy. We have have a choice, whether there is going to be hope for the future of all South Africans, not only white South Africans. Yes, apartheid was wrong, I am a coloured South African Female and know the belittlment that the non-white community went under, but instead of looking back and trying to correct the wrongs of the past, we should rather look head and plan our futures, that is one of the major reasons SA is where it is today. The new government came in and tried to correct the wrongs of the past (which is fair), but they did not consider sustainability. That is why half of SA is sitting in darkness tonight.

Anonymous said...

I am Business Consultant , I studied at NMMU 4 years ago. My advise to all of you folks out there , please do visit government websites and read more about BEE , BBEE , which is Broab Based Black Economic Empowerment. Tip for any easy Website is :

I think you will find some answerS very soon. I am not White , I am half Black , Half Coloured with an English Surname basically White Surname , cause my Mom is half White , Half Coloured but I think there is Hope for Whites in SOUTH AFRICA.

Anonymous said...

I think the BEE is destroying everything. why do you think eskom is so badly managed? its because there isnt any people there with the right education. Apartheid was wrong. But i think the best solution is to get the right person for the job. a person with the right education.

we should get rid of this BEE. Get the right qualified person for the job and see how quickly positive changes wil arise.